Tuesday 6 October 2015

Mission impossible 2-Opening scene analysis

The first shot in the opening of  mission impossible 2 is a long shot. This is used to set the scene- an arid wilderness with nothing or no one around. This adds to the suspension when tom cruse is hanging off the edge as we know that there is no one around to help him. The establishing shot also shows us the great height that he is at. This again show us the danger that he is in.

Half way through the scene, when he is hanging off the cliff, a long shot is used at a high angle. This is used to emphasize the long drop to the ravine floor. It also shows that he is alone in this desolate place. This once again emphasizes that there is nobody to help him, creating suspense as he is hanging by his arms over a fatal drop.

Tom cruse is wearing an old dirty vest, climbing shoes and dirty trousers. This tells us that he has been in the wilderness for a long time as he has not been able to change or clean his clothes. The fact that he is wearing climbing shoes and strong trousers suggests that he is an experienced rock climber as he has the right clothing for the job. He also has a small pouch containing chalk. The chalk is used by rock climbers for extra grip, this also tells us that he has experience at rock climbing as no good rock climber would climb with out chalk.

On top of the world
A medium shot is used when he is at the top of the cliff looking down in to the ravine below. This is used to show his happy expression on his face after his accomplishment. The medium shot also shows the top half of his body. This shows the audience that he is exhausted after the long climb.
After this, a long shot is used to show him looking down into the ravine. He is standing with his hands on his waist looking powerful. This pose along with the long drop that he just climbed in the background, makes the audience feel that he is superior to most people. It also makes the emotions of him feeling on top of the world literal.

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